National Lockdown in England

England is now in a national lockdown,

You can leave your home to:

  • shop for food
  • get childcare or got to school or university (if they are still open)
  • go to work, if you cannot work from home
  • exercise (you can do this once per day in your local area)
  • go to a hospital or health appointment
  • visit people in your support bubble
  • give care to a vulnerable person
  • escape in an emergency or if you are in danger.

You can go out with:

  • anyone in your household or your support bubble
  • a carer or supporter
  • a disabled person you support who needs you to be with them all the time.

Who can I spend time with?

You must not meet indoors with people you do not live with, or who are not in your support bubble (if you have one).

It is okay to meet with people who are there to support you (e.g. a carer or support worker).

You can meet outside with one person that you do not live with to exercise. You must follow social distancing rules when you do this (this means staying 2 metres apart from each other).

An easy read leaflet can be seen here: